Scientists have reported that Americans spend approximately 16 minutes on average per day searching for lost items, which adds up to a full year of our lives.

That means that over the course of your lifetime you will spend one full year in frustration, searching desperately around your house for your car keys, remote control, cell phone, or other important belonging.

Is there any way that you can reduce the amount of time that you spend looking around for your stuff?

Your car is your important mode of transport between point A and B, but if you are like many people you might also be in the habit of using it as a trash can on wheels.

Are you embarrassed when you offer someone else a ride in your vehicle because of the detritus of empty bottles, pieces of paper and food wrappers that litter the floor?

If you have children, do you have to clear an entire army of toys and stuffed animals from the back seat before anyone can sit down?

If your car is becoming a disaster zone, here are some tips for regaining control of the clutter.

Has your desk become a cluttered ruin filled with half-empty coffee mugs, teetering stacks of books, dusty piles of paper, and crumbs from your breakfast bagel?

Does your working environment make you feel refreshed, energized, and inspired or do you feel cramped, tired and overwhelmed?

Did you know that by changing the features of your working environment you can actually help yourself focus better, work more efficiently, and be more creative?

Whether you work at home or at an office, there are many ways that you can improve your desk space so that you can work to your maximum potential.