No matter how much or how little you’re paid, you’ll never get ahead if you spend more than you earn.

This little piece of wisdom is incredibly common sense when you think about it, yet with so many Americans in debt it’s clear that not everyone follows it in practice.

Living within your means is one of the best ways that you can save your money and set yourself up for financial freedom and prosperity.

Living within your means is very simple, it means that you are spending less money than you are making.

It’s not how much money you earn that will make you rich; rather it is your spending habits. How aware are you of what you spend on a daily basis? Do you ever think you have a certain amount of money in your account and then realize that you have a lot less? Noticing how much you spend can be the first step to learning how to manage your money better.

Here are three useful tips for becoming more aware of what you are spending: