Making a to-do list is a great way to see at a glance what you need to get accomplished in a day.

However, some to-to lists help productivity more than others, and a bad to-do list might do more harm than good. If you can invest a little bit of time planning out your tasks for the day in a clear and achievable list you will be able to accomplish things much more smoothly.

Here are a few ways that you can make the best to-do list possible:

Have you ever had the experience of realizing that the person you were speaking with was simply not listening?

They might have looked like they were paying attention, but your words were simply going in one ear and out the other. Chances are this left you feeling frustrated and unappreciated, especially if what you were saying was very important.

Listening is a very important communication skill that not everyone has mastered.

For those of us living in colder climates, the winter season means shorter days, freezing weather, and being stuck inside the house for long periods of time. It is easy to get depressed with the lack of sunshine and time spent outdoors, especially if you are the type of person who loves the summer.

If you live in a chilly climate and can’t afford to spend six months in the Bahamas instead, here are a few tips that will help you enjoy the winter season:

Do you ever wonder what the best way is to follow up after a job interview? Is email to impersonal? Is snail-mail too slow? Will the interviewer even notice or care?

Well, one thing is for certain. If you don’t follow up at all, you’re quite sure that they won’t notice at all. In fact, so few people follow up in any way you might just set yourself apart and make the difference in being considered for the position.

Have you made yourself a New Year’s resolution?

The turning over of the calendar usually inspires us to resolve to make positive changes in our lives, but more often than not we fail to follow through on our promises to ourselves.

If you struggle to keep your New Year’s resolutions, perhaps these tips will help you stay on track:

One of the hardest things in the world can be to receive negative criticism on something we have done. No one wants to feel like they have done something wrong and hearing someone talk about our faults and mistakes can make us very frustrated and discouraged.

However, criticism doesn’t have to be so bad when you approach it with the right attitude. In fact, when you think of it in the following way, it can actually benefit you positively and help you improve.

You might be watching a film about an artist, and your friend will say, “I used to love making pottery when I was in school. I wish I could do it again.”

Or perhaps you will be walking along the beach and you will pass someone on roller blades and your partner will say, “I love rollerblading! I used to do it all the time when I was younger.”

Or maybe you will treat yourself to an ice cream once in a blue moon, and think about how much you love ice cream but you can’t remember the last time you had it.

When we are younger, we don’t have a problem doing the things we love. They seem to come naturally, and the focus of our day is centered on play and fun.

Is your motto, “why do today what I can put off until tomorrow?”

Procrastination is an easy habit to slip into, as it is incredibly tempting to avoid doing something that is not urgent. When a project is due, the house needs cleaning, or a form needs filling out, we often decide that we will get away with doing it another day.

However, procrastination can really come back to bite us when the deadline looms near and we realize that we have left way too much work for ourselves. Every college student who has gotten in trouble for snoring in class after pulling an all-nighter finishing a term paper will tell you that procrastination seems like a good idea at the time but isn’t a healthy or productive way to manage your life.