The human brain is fascinating and bizarre, and even the most advanced scientists still don’t understand exactly how it works. One of the strangest phenomena that the brain produces is dreams. What are these sleeping hallucinations and why do we have them? There are many theories as to why we dream, but no one really fully understands the science of sleep and dreaming.

Everyone has a habit of what they do before bed, but some of these habits are better than others. If you find yourself squinting at the computer answering work emails late at night, watching disturbing events on the news, or eating large amounts of food right before bed and then wondering why you are tossing and turning, your bedtime routine might be the culprit. Statistics show that 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia, and seven out of ten people in the USA report frequent problems getting to sleep.

Sometimes in life we feel ourselves overwhelmed by demands on us from all sides. Our bosses and coworkers expect a lot at work, our friends expect us always to go out and have fun, and our families need us to support them. Eager to please and to avoid disappointing anyone we care about, we push ourselves to the limit to say “yes” to every request. However, being a superhero and meeting everyone else’s needs is an exhausting task that can only be kept up for so long.